Book It! Program

Do you like pizza? How about reading? Well now you’ll be able to enjoy both of them together!

Beginning October 1 and continuing through to March 31, 2012, Mrs. Stairiker and Miss Williamson will encourage you to read on your own through the Book It! Reading Program.

The class will set a goal for the number of books to read each month. The progress will be tracked on a poster that will be visible to you in the classroom each and everyday. Tt will also be tracked using this blog so you can see how close you are to reaching your class goal.

Throughout the program, you will be required to keep a reading log of the books you are reading. You will also be asked to track the number of minutes you read on a weekly basis. Mrs. Stairiker and Miss Williamson will also be participating so you can compare your books and minutes to them! If time permits, you will be asked to share what you are reading or have read with the rest of the class on Monday. You will even have the opportunity to post your review on the classroom blog!

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